Các khóa học DS và AI miễn phí từ Harvard University

Data Science, Tài nguyên - eBook

Các khóa học DS và AI free từ Harvard University

1. CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python https://www.edx.org/…/cs50s-introduction-to-artificial…

2. Introduction to Data Science with Pythonhttps://www.edx.org/…/introduction-to-data-science-with…

3. Data Science: Machine Learninghttps://www.edx.org/course/data-science-machine-learning

4. Introduction to Probabilityhttps://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-probability

5. Data Science: Visualizationhttps://www.edx.org/course/data-science-visualization

6. Data Science: R Basicshttps://www.edx.org/course/data-science-r-basics

7. Tất cả các khóa họchttps://www.edx.org/search?q=harvard&tab=course

12 khoá học online Machine Learning với Python năm 2023

1. Machine Learning with Python- CourseraLink: https://buff.ly/3uvllpU

2. Intro to Machine Learning with TensorFlow- UdacityLink: https://buff.ly/3HetAy8

3. Machine Learning Scientist with Python- DatacampLink: https://buff.ly/3VS7d5B

4. Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science- UdemyLink: https://buff.ly/3VRfuGW

5. Become a Machine Learning Engineer- UdacityLink: https://buff.ly/3H9jvCx

6. Applied Machine Learning in Python- CourseraLink: https://buff.ly/3H9jvm1

7. Understanding Machine Learning with Python- PluralsightLink: https://buff.ly/3He8aAZ

8. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp- UdemyLink: https://buff.ly/3utT0QG

9. Intro to Machine Learning with PyTorch- UdacityLink: https://buff.ly/3HdBQhG

10. Machine Learning, Data Science, and Deep Learning with Python- UdemyLink: https://buff.ly/3HmNE14

11. Learn NumPy Fundamentals (Python Library for Data Science)– UdemyLink: https://buff.ly/3VXLhpR

12. Foundations of Data Science: K-Means Clustering in Python– CourseraLink: https://buff.ly/3H8NLxo

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